Makeover Cosmetic Indonesia - Makeover Kosmetik Indonesia Base Review

Hi all,

so now i'm gonna write a little review about Make Over Corrective Base Make Up.

First of all, Make Over adalah make up indonesia yang to me, personally, kualitasnya ga kalah sama brand - brand international like revlon or maybelline. Harganya terhitung affordable dengan kualitas yang bagus.

here goes my review
Make Over Corrective Base Make Up in Purple

What it claims:
The best pick for everyday use, highly moisturizing and invisibly correcting uneven skin tone. Use Greenish to diffuse redness and Cyanite to brighten dull skin. Dries quickly, creates glowing effect, keeps skin smooth, soft and plush.

What it really does:

I personally really love the texture. It's light and soft, giving you a cooling sensation once it's applied. Don't put too much soalnya a little really goes a long the way. And you don't need to put mouisturizer too karena udah termasuk.

I can't really spot the difference from the photo. Don't expect a dramatic brightening effect from this product but it does enhance my face so it becomes less dull. As for prolonging the wear of foundation or make up, this product might not be the one you're looking for since it doesn't make my make up last longeršŸ˜¢ but overall as a makeup prep it works pretty good since it smoothens the skin and diminishes dull face.
As for me, there's nothing really special about this product, but for IDR 69,000 this product is worth to try.

What i love: the cooling sensation and the price
What i hate: doesn't really prolong my makeup wear

So have you guys ever tried this product? if you have why don't share your opinion about this product on the comment section!

Cemara Dewangga
Cemara Ratih Dewangga
Budgetarian Make Up Hunter

Makeover Make Up Indonesia
Makeover Indonesia
Makeover Kosmetik Indonesia
Makeover Cosmetic Indonesia
Makeover Cosmetics Indonesia
Lipstick Makeover Indonesia
Brand Makeover Indonesia

Makeup Makeover Indonesia


  1. haloo boleh tau ini beli di MO mana? bedanya sama yg ijo ap ya? thanks before

    1. Hi Maria,
      Produk ini aku beli di Make Over summarecon mall serpong karena di counter lain sedang kosong.
      Yang hijau itu gunanya untuk mengurangi redness/blemish di muka kamu spt jerawat dan disekitar hidung.
      Hope it helps :)
